for Shipyard Services

VARIOUS TYPES OF ships is our passion

Your One Stop Solution for Shipyard Services
Ideally sited on 60 acres of land within the port of Victoria Harbour on Labuan Island, LSE operates in one of the most strategic locations in the Asia Pacific region as it is blessed with deep-water access, shelter from prevailing monsoons and boasts itself for being a free port status.
Highlighted Projects

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(Ship Repair)
(Ship Repair)
(Ship Repair)
(Ship Repair)
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We Are Dedicated
to implement our best safe work practices and the responsible operations of all facilities.
Compliance to Regulatory Requirements
LSE is committed to conduct its operations in a manner designed to protect the health, safety and security of its employees and the public, while avoiding and mitigating any adverse impacts to the environmental. It is our policy to conduct all business activities in compliance with the federal and state health, safety, security and environment regulations and guidelines.
“We all go home from work without injury or illness.”
“To lighten the footprint of our activities.”